Monday, April 4, 2011

Welcome to Hispanic Clarksville!

Mi nombre es Rosa Ponce and I live in Clarksville, TN, which is a hop,skip and a jump north of Nashville. Lets get something outta the way, I'm no journalist and I don't pretend to be, but I am very interested in some POSITIVE news on Hispanics in our community. 

I'm going to focus on Latinos making an impact on our community, events at Austin Peay State University (only university in TN with a Hispanic Cultural Center), and community events with a Hispanic connection. I will sometimes be using language that is very offensive to some....Spanglish! Which like many Hispanics is the result of a Spanish-speaking home and English-speaking school. 

Stay tuned for some blogging that might be Cucuy and Migra-Free (most of the time, I make no promises). 

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