Monday, May 16, 2011

Many people gathered at Chapala on Saturday in hopes of receiving legal advice on their immigration status. HOPE (Hispanic Organization for Progress and Education) in partnership with the Nashville Area Hispanic Chamber of Commerce sponsored a clinic with lawyers Elliot Ozment and Mario Ramos.
Mario Ramos
Mr. Ozment stated that the reason he was in town was because Pastor Tommy Vallejos, HOPE Director, told him Clarksville has been having many problems since the beginning of the year. The reason for this is a law that went into effect January 1 in Tennessee that requires law enforcement to check the immigration status of all those that are stopped. Mr. Ozment says that this law is “ illegal and a violation of federal law” and law enforcement “do not have the right to inquire about your immigration status.” He said that unless he has a client whose rights were violated he can not challenge the law.
The goal of the gathering was to give Clarksville residents one-on-one face time with experts on immigration and the ever changing laws. Prior to splitting into groups to speak with the lawyers Ana Maria, a lawyer with Mario Ramos, spoke to the people about a visa that many do not know about-U Visa. This visa was created to help immigrants who have been victims of a crime in the United States and to give them legal protection if they have witnessed a crime.
While waiting for their number to be called some commented that this law allows law enforcement to stereotype and discriminate. Another commented that he is not against the police doing their job if a crime was committed regardless of their immigration status. Many of those in attendance are hoping for a part 2, they would like to know what policies and procedures the Clarksville Police Department and the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office have in place.

For more information on future forums please contact the HOPE office at 931-802-6060.

1 comment:

  1. Update: HOPE will be hosting another forum on Saturday, May 28, 2011 from 1pm-3pm at Mercado Chapala. The Clarksville Police Department and the Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition have been invited to attend. Contact 931-802-6060 for more info.
